

本網站可能提供有關醫療狀況及其治療的資訊,"Three to Eighty" 不保證本網站資料對非目標群眾而言是否適用或可用。選擇從其他位置存取本網站的人士均出於自願,並須在適用範圍內遵守當地相關法律。此外,本網站內容不得視為醫療諮詢或建議,且不應以此為依據做出任何決定或行動。請務必向合格的專業醫護人員尋求特定醫療諮詢。"Three to Eighty" 無意就本網站取代任何專業醫療人士的醫療意見,亦不擬作為醫療診斷或治療之用。"Three to Eighty" 盡合理努力更新本網站,但長時間下來某些資訊仍會過時。除另有規定者外,"Three to Eighty" 不對本網站資訊的正確性、完整性或使用提供任何聲明或擔保。

Healthcare information Disclaimer

This website may provide information about medical conditions and their treatment. "Three to Eighty" makes no representation that material in the site is appropriate or available for use outside of the territory of the intended audience. Those who choose to access this site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent that local laws are applicable. In addition, nothing on this website should be construed as providing any kind of medical advice or recommendation, and should not be relied on as the basis for any decision or action. Specific medical advice should always be sought from a qualified medical practitioner. The information contained on this website is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice nor is it intended to be for medical diagnosis or treatment."Three to Eighty" uses reasonable efforts to update this website, but some information may become out of date over time. Except as specifically stated, "Three to Eighty" make no claims or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or use of the information contained on this website.